“…but we had hoped that he was the one…”

Luke 24:21

 Sometimes, as we read through the gospels, including Luke’s story from the road to Emmaus, the emotions of the characters come through clearly. In this instance, you can feel their loss, disappointment, and despair. How could “the one” on whom they had pinned their hopes let them down? How could corrupt Jewish priests and Roman rulers conspire together to end the ministry and movement of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ? Instead of God’s “kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven,” they felt certain Hell had pushed back, and won.

Our story is never exactly the same as the stories in the Bible. But it is in our nature to work toward goals, and to pin hopes on events or people who seem to align with them. It is also natural for us to be tempted to measure the presence and power of God according to the fulfillment of certain hopes.

Whether or not that describes you this week, whether or not you have been happy, sad, were in suspense, etc., there are moments for all of us, as Jesus followers, when we can identify with Cleopas and his unnamed companion going down the road together. We cannot control the big machinations of this world, nor can we escape their impact. But there is a SACRED SPACE we can always enter, the space of HOPE. What is the key to being able to enter this space?

As we consider the SACRED SPACE of HOPE during ZOOM Church, let us consider these questions: 

  • Was there a time you “had hoped” for a different outcome?
  • Do things/people in which we place hope to change over time?
  • Do you have a friend/family member who helps you hope?
  • Has the perspective of FAITH made difference for you?
  • Does GOD “shepherd” us through dark valleys?


  • Godly Play: The Ark and the Tent
  • Big Kids: ZOOM Mtg at 11:20 am on Sunday


 November 29th, the Sunday following Thanksgiving, is a fifth Sunday, when we devote church TIME and TREASURE to serving our neighbors. With pandemic closures and restrictions, different approaches must be taken.  AURORA COMMONS (local ministry serving unsheltered women/men on Aurora Ave. North), asks for specific items to be purchased or donated. There remains a need new and/or gently used men’s general clothing. Especially needed, though, are outdoor survival items for women and men living unsheltered in the rain and cold – tents, waterproof coats, sleeping bags, gloves, etc.

Here is an updated Amazon wish list from their website. 

Look for a sign-up genius list in the next eNews, along with information about an optional drop-off time in Maple Leaf.


Here is an update from the Stewardship Team:

Great job responding to the IRS crisis! It is inspiring to have come together to address our need, to put this particular debt behind us, and demonstrate commitment to Emmaus Road, our shared ministry, in such a tangible way. Eric and Christina, the two people on the front lines of this stressful issue, are particularly grateful for the church’s rally and quick response to the Special Offering.

Strong, consistent giving is necessary NOW to move ahead into the future. After paying off the IRS, we have no buffer in the bank; we used every available resource, and now must commit to meeting (or exceeding) expenses every month to keep up with basic financial requirements to sustain the work we want to do together.
Goal = $8,750 / month.
Commitment = committing to a recurring donation through our online portal, or in written form to the Stewardship team, so we can meet, or adjust, our budget accordingly. (However, there is little room to adjust our budget and still operate in our current form – just FYI).

Current recurring donation commitments total approximately $5,700 / month (this includes all online recurring donations + two consistent checks each month). Current consistent monthly building intake is just $500 from Rehoboth. This leaves us with $6,200 in expected monthly income, about $2,500 short of our monthly expenses.


COVID-19 shall not cancel Christmas Eve! 

But we need to adapt our traditional pagaent to a ZOOM format.


Contact Pastor Likkel if you have creative suggestions and willingness to help put things together.


  • Four separate Small Groups meet via ZOOM on a regular basis – “Guys Group”; “North End Moms”; “Crown Hill”; “POD-19”; email office@emmausroad.net for info
  • New Horizons Dinner – served every first Wednesday; email office@emmausroad.net for info.
  • Aurora Commons – Wonder what their wishlist is? See it here; view the most recent update here.