

On Sundays we offer a hybrid worship experience including both a service that is accessible for in-person and remote worshippers.

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Who We Are

Who We Are

Learn more about who we are and how we got our name Emmaus Road.

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Serve Together

Serve Together

There is more to our church than what we do on Sunday mornings.

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House Church

House Church

House Church are an essential part of how members from various parts of the Seattle area can worship together on Sunday.

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Heavy Branches of Palm Sunday – March 28th

“The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.
They took palm branches and went out to meet him,
shouting, “Hosanna!”
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the king of Israel!” 

see John 12:12-13
Photo of a bunch of palm frons together.

THEY ARE LIGHT, THIN, AND FUN TO WAVE AROUND. Often pointy and sharp at the end, they must be handled carefully, to avoid accidentally poking one’s neighbor. These are the festal branches of Palm Sunday, traditional props to help us reenact the people’s praise of Jesus during his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Waving these branches, we mark the beginning of Passion Week, Holy Week, moving toward the Crucifixion on our way to the Resurrection. We are excited about the end of Lent, the coming Feast, and the eternal reign of the Prince of Peace.

But the branches of Palm Sunday should also feel heavy. They are rooted in the story of a nation longing for deliverance, a crowd who is confused, and a savior who suffers for them. 

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John….and Maccabees….continue to speak to us about the way people wave these branches.

Young Church

Jars of Clay

Video message of ZOOM Church February 28th, 2021


  • Four separate Small Groups meet via ZOOM on a regular basis – “Guys Group”; “Group With No Name”; “Crown Hill Group”; “POD-19”; email for info
  • New Horizons Dinner – sponsored every first Wednesday; email for info.