“Your Kingdom come,
see Matthew 6:9-13
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”

CASTLES AND KNIGHTS dominated my imagination whenever I prayed “thy kingdom come” as a child. I envisioned a mighty fortress, a conquering army of angels…or something along those lines. What do you think of, when you recite this petition of the Lord’s Prayer? What did John the Baptist mean when he preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near“? Jesus not only repeated the proclamation, Jesus carried it out. As Christ’s followers, we continue the prayer, and to the extent we understand it, we continue the work.
But as we look for signs of fulfillment, things get fuzzy.
WHAT are we supposed to be seeing?
WHERE is this kingdom?
- Godly Play: The Faces of Easter V or The Legend of the Sand Dollar by Chris Auer
- Big Kids: ZOOM gathering at 11:20 am on Sunday
Jars of Clay
Message from ZOOM Church February 28th, 2021
- Four separate Small Groups meet via ZOOM on a regular basis – “Guys Group”; “Group With No Name”; “Crown Hill Group”; “POD-19”; email office@emmausroad.net for info
- New Horizons Dinner – sponsored every first Wednesday; email office@emmausroad.net for info.