“Thou shalt not misuse the name of the Lord your God.”
Exodus 20:7; Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2
“Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.“

WE HEAR IT in anger, amazement, inspiration, judgment, and persuasion. We use it, too: God’s NAME.
What do we think, what do we feel, when we hear it? Do we use it any differently than those around us? Why did God make this the THIRD COMMANDMENT? Why did Jesus make this the FIRST PETITION in the Lord’s Prayer? What’s so important about God’s NAME?
Young Church
- Godly Play: Faces of Easter VII
- Big Kids: ZOOM Gathering at 11:20 am on Sunday
Message from ZOOM Church March 7th, 2021
- Four separate Small Groups meet via ZOOM on a regular basis – “Guys Group”; “Group With No Name”; “Crown Hill Group”; “POD-19”; email office@emmausroad.net for info
- New Horizons Dinner – sponsored every first Wednesday; email office@emmausroad.net for info.