“Give us each day our daily bread.”
Luke 11:3

WE BUY IT, WE EAT IT; some of us bake it. Bread has always been a big deal, and it’s not surprising how often it shows up in the Bible, whether at key moments in Israel’s life, around the table of the Last Supper, or the table where Jesus broke bread in Emmaus.
BREAD is also included in the LORD’S PRAYER. As we recite the prayer, asking for “daily bread,” does it ever feel….unnecessary or trivial? Perhaps if we are living at a time, living in a place, where bread is in relative abundance (we know for others, this is sadly not the case), Jesus’s prayer about humble, basic provisions seems quaint. It may feel as if it is appropriate for others to pray, those who are “less fortunate”, but not for us.
Young Church
- Godly Play: Resurrection Eggs
- Big Kids: ZOOM meeting at 11:20 am on Sunday
- Four separate Small Groups meet via ZOOM on a regular basis – “Guys Group”; “Group With No Name”; “Crown Hill Group”; “POD-19”; email office@emmausroad.net for info
- New Horizons Dinner – sponsored every first Wednesday; email office@emmausroad.net for info.
Message from ZOOM Church, March 7th, 2021