So What Are We Supposed To Do Now? – May 23rd

“Do not leave Jerusalem,
but wait for the gift my Father promised,
which you have heard me speak about.
For John baptized with water,
but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
from Acts 1:3-9
JESUS ASCENDS. The disciples are left on the ground, staring up at the sky. What is supposed to happen next? At times, we are confused, too. We are not Jesus, after all. Without the Lord’s direct guidance and presence, how does God expect us to do anything great? Especially when everything is falling apart!
But Jesus’s ASCENSION is not the only thing celebrated in the church calendar this month; we also celebrate PENTECOST, the moment during the annual Jewish feast when the HOLY SPIRIT was given to the fledgling Church in Jerusalem, in a powerful and visible way. Jesus goes up, but the Spirit comes down. The Church is equipped and sent out, to GO into the world in love and power, to speak, serve, and continue the mission. You may not be Jesus, but he remains with you, his disciple, to fulfill God’s work in your time and place, by the SPIRIT who resides in you, as you cooperate in faith.
- Godly Play: The Mystery of Pentecost
- Big Kids: ZOOM Meeting at 11:20am on Sunday
May 30th! Same as per usual; drop off’s at church from 10:30-Noon.
Recently, Christina Smith provided this list, which includes some newer options, on behalf of Aurora Commons:
“Thank you for your faithful support of our neighbors at the Commons. Here is a list of our ongoing wants/needs:
- men’s clothing and shoes
- undergarments and socks (preferably new) – we do have some funding to purchase socks and underwear but not enough to meet the demand. Also, our bras are supplied through donations.
- individual serving, shelf-stable soft snacks, and drinks – we are purchasing food for the burritos and sandwiches we serve but rely on donations for additional snacks and beverages to serve our neighbors. Due to COVID limiting us from inviting neighbors inside to access the kitchen, these snacks are helpful.
- outdoor gear – tents, tarps, blankets, and/or sleeping bags
- purses filled with a journal or notebook, gel pens, 1-2 makeup items, a note reminding our neighbors that they are loved – this was an idea that originated from a donation put together by a mother & daughter. We distributed the purses to women visiting our S.H.E. Clinic and they were a hit. One of our donations volunteers has continued to put together purses filled with these types of items received but the demand will outpace our supply.
- Four separate Small Groups meet via ZOOM on a regular basis – “Guys Group”; “Group With No Name”; “Crown Hill Group”; “POD-19”; email for info
- New Horizons Dinner – sponsored every first Wednesday; email for info.