Forgive Them Father – November 3, 2019
“When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. (see Luke 23:33-41)
Are you kidding me? Jesus asks God to forgive those responsible for his mock trial, those who tortured him, and those who are callously gambling away his clothing?
This first utterance, from what is traditionally known as Christ’s “Last Seven Words” on the cross, is controversial. Scholars debate its authenticity, based on its omission from some of the earliest manuscripts. And yet, this sentence is simultaneously recognized to have been accepted by important early witnesses, and thusly included in slightly later manuscripts of Luke; it seems to have been known and embraced as coming from Jesus.
Why would these words have been omitted by some?
Why would others have preserved them?
Perhaps the radical reach of such forgiveness, spoken by the suffering Lord on behalf of his enemies, his tormentors, explains the controversial nature of these words. To hear Jesus ask the Father to forgive “them,” the corrupt Jewish authorities and cruel Roman soldiers, who clearly show no remorse or sorrow, implies Jesus’ followers will also be asked to forgive “them,” whoever “they” may be, in our context.
The criminals on either side of Jesus had come to their own separate conclusions about him. Words of forgiveness remain controversial.
- November 3 – Confession; SACRAMENT; FORGIVE THEM FATHER Luke 23:33-41
- November 10th – Gratitude
- November 17th – Contemplative Prayer
- Big Kids
- Godly Play: TEN BEST WAYS; Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:1-21;
Emmaus Road Church belongs to the Pacific Northwest regional assembly of the Christian Reformed Church of North America. Our particular region is called Classis Pacific Northwest (PNW). Very recently, delegates democratically elected to divide our large region into two smaller regions, and this decision was approved by the National Assembly.
Read more about it here.