Baptism and Water in the Desert – June 13th

Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain,
Job 38:25-27
and a path for the thunderstorm,
to water a land where no one lives,
an uninhabited desert,
to satisfy a desolate wasteland
and make it sprout with grass?
GOD ASKS THIS QUESTION OF JOB, after Job has been asking questions of God. It’s part of a long, but worthy story, from the Old Testament.
The answer to God’s question, “Who…”, is, of course….GOD. Not Job.
It is Creator God, the source of life, the genesis of all good things, who waters the desert. God is the source of the good things Job naturally loved, including his loved ones, his health, his livelihood, all taken away by tragedy. In their dialogue, God’s voice begins to paint a larger picture than what Job could see from the dark depths of his personal suffering. God is the source of water, who restores life to Job. Eventually, healed, Job sees differently. More importantly, we readers of this ancient story are supposed to see differently. We are to wrestle with the meaning and wisdom of this story.
Why bring this up hours before R. MOXON’S baptism? Because in this passage from the Book of Job, we get a hint of what the water of baptism is for, this water which symbolically reminds us of our own, individual, salvation and cleansing from sin and spiritual pollution. This sacramental water is there to remind us of the cleansing that comes in grace granted through Christ, but also signifies a watering of roots, a quenching of thirst, in the desert of broken, dried up, souls. From the book of Job, the baptized may see we have a job. It has to do with greening the desert, with permaculture, spiritually speaking.
Young Church
- Godly Play: Holy Baptism
- Big Kids: Final ZOOM meeting at 11:20am on Sunday (will resume again in the Fall)
Plans are coming together to share memories and honor Biff.
Sunday August 1st or Sunday August 8th are two dates being sorted out. Please stay tuned.
After enduring a lengthy, fearful stretch of time, in which we HAD to make big adjustments, we are reaching a point where we GET to make adjustments. That is, with less fear, and more freedom, we can discern new normals, welcome back some old rhythms and previous practices, but also try new things. Why? In order to grow, deepen, and broaden our body in Christ – Emmaus Road – to become the church God wants, pursuing the ministry our neighbors need, for this time. It won’t happen overnight. But it won’t happen AT ALL if we do not try some new things along with some old.
One example: Sundays this summer. We can ease into a few in person gatherings in Maple Leaf – memorial for Biff, saying farewell to a couple families moving out of town, straightening up, having some prayer time, etc. – but also continue our ZOOM presence online. But we will also encourage HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM gatherings in different places, asking big questions, having healthy conversations, and praying along the way. This unfinished schedule of dates gives some indication of what we could pursue together.
- June 13th – Moxon Baptism @ Roosendaals 9:30 am; ZOOM Church 10:30 am, including scenes from baptism
- June 20th – HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM @ Vander Lindens
- June 27th – ZOOM with Pastor Eric @ Moscow (Idaho, not Kremlin)
- July 4th – ?
- July 11th – PREP CHURCH PARTY @ Maple Leaf or HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM?
- July 18th – HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM @ Arauctos
- July 25th – PREP CHURCH PARTY @ Maple Leaf or HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM?
- August 1st – Biff’s Memorial @ Maple Leaf or HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM?
- August 8th – Biff’s Memorial @ Maple Leaf or HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM?
- August 15th – Likkels away
- August 22nd – Likkels away
- August 29th – SERVE TOGETHER @ Maple Leaf
- September 5th – LABOR DAY WEEKEND – ?
If you see an opportunity/date for your family to host a HOUSE CHURCH + ZOOM event, let me know! I just need good wifi. 🙂